Final conference of the BELMOD and TAKE project 23 june 2022


Final conference of the BELMOD and TAKE project

23 June 2022 Finance Tower & streaming

Non-take-up of social rights is an important theme in the fight against poverty and social exclusion. The FPS Social Security and the TAKE Consortium have organised a conference on this theme on Thursday 23 June to present the final results of the BELMOD project and the TAKE project.


8:15-9:00: Reception

9:00-9:30: Welcome

  • Peter Samyn (FPS Social Security)
  • Karine Lalieux (Minister of Pensions and Social Integration, in charge of, among others, persons with disabilities and fight against poverty)
  • Aziz Naji (Coordinator of the BRAIN-be programme, Belspo)

9:30-10:45 am: Level and characteristics of non-take-up of means-tested benefits in Belgium (Chairman : Laurent Nisen (Université de Liège))

  • Results of the TAKE-project – Tim Goedemé (University of Antwerp) and Manon Bolland (Université de Liège)
  • Reactions from the Belgian Anti-Poverty Network (BAPN) – Caroline Van der Hoeven

10:45-11:15: Coffee break

11:15-12:30: The causes of non-take-up of the (equivalent) income support (Chairman : Laurent Nisen (Université de Liège))

  • Results of the TAKE-project – Julie Janssens (University of Antwerp)
  • Alexandre Lesiw (PPS Social Integration)
  • Fulgence Lupaka Issa Azala (Experience expert at the PPS Social integration)

12:30-13:30: Lunch

13:30-14:45: Digitalisation (Chairman: Rudi Van Dam (FPS Social Security))

  • Results of the BELMOD project: proactive identification – Gineke Mampaey (FPS Social Security)
  • Example of proactive identification: Statistical report on the proactive flux of the increased reimbursement (flux year 2020) – Daniil Gvardeitsev (National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance (NIHDI))
  • Frank Robben (Crossroads Bank for Social Security (CBSS))

14:45-15:15: Coffee Break

15:15-16:30: Simplification, harmonisation & monitoring (Chairman: Rudi Van Dam (FPS Social Security))

  • Results of the BELMOD project – Arne Corselis (FPS Social Security)
  • Reactions from Hélène Deroubaix (Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB))
  • Reactions from the Combat Poverty, Insecurity and Social Exclusion Service – Henk Van Hootegem

16.30-17.00: Final word

  • Frank Vandenbroucke (Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health)
  • Word of thanks by Natascha Van Mechelen (FPS Social Security) & Tim Goedemé (University of Antwerp)


Final report

Final Report Belmod Project (.pdf)


Belmod x Take morning session: TAKE-BAPN-POD MI (.ppt) 

Belmod x Take afternonn session: BELMOD-RIZIV-KSZ-Steunpunt (.ppt) 






European Commission
Federaal Planbureau Analyses en Vooruitzichten
Universiteit Antwerpen Centrum voor Sociaal Beleid Herman Deleeck
KU Leuven Department of economics
University of Essex
Liège Université
Steunpunt tot bestrijding van armoede, bestaansonzekerheid en sociale uitsluiting
Federale Pensioendienst